
On Gaming...

I've fallen out of gaming, and the whole gaming scene just a little bit. With work, with life, I'm disconnected a little bit.

That's not a horrible thing, for the record. But I do still have my opinions, and I will maintain them, just a little bit.

I have no interest in the PlayStation 3 until Sony returns PlayStation 2 backwards compatibility with either an Emotion Engine hardware processor, or a software emulation process. One of the major brand driving points has always been compatibility with previous generation media; I don't want two Sony consoles in my entertainment center for the oddball occasion when I want a game of Ratchet and Clank, or Mercenaries.

It's a major sticking point, and I won't spend a dollar on a PS3 until it can handle PS2 media. With gusto.

Sometimes an anchor is just an anchor.

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