...which means you now get a reminder in my Outlook (that will be ever so delivered to me via the boat anchor on my hip) to write something every day. Fancy that! Enough.
I had an anecdote about the cat trying to finish me 'Once And For All! /evil-fingers-peak' some time ago, but it's been lost in the static of life.
Where to start? On life? On love, even? On work? About The Mother? Or Louisville? Or Markham?
Life. Oh yes, that topic. Right, I suppose that's what this is all about though, isn't it? This potentially endless dissertation on life, the universe, and everything. That one should be broad enough for me to extol one bit here and there and keep both of us occupied.
So here I sit at my desk, at 0645 hours - arrived 35 minutes ago - only having just done a walk-around the manufacturing area to avoid a repeat of yesterday. Upon entering the site, I was greeted by darkness, did very little for fifteen minutes, until someone wandered over and found me in my cavernous workspace.*
'Hey, Jeremy. You do know that Syteline is down, right?'
Not that I don't actually, legitimately like responding to emergencies such as that - really, it makes me feel useful and important sometimes. No. A known issue since 0530 this morning, and the first report if it is a Remote Cell manager coming and speaking with me face-to-face.
The year is 2007. We have email. We have phones. We have fucking Post-Its. Don't - DON'T - wait until you FIND someone. Call someone. Call anyone - there are phone lists posted throughout the building! Especially when the one system that actually allows you to produce product so that the company can make money isn't functioning for whatever reason!**
So I go look at MDSERP1. Yup, power. Yup, network connectivity. I can ping 'er. Alrighty. Remote in. Nothing immediately amiss. System logs show five-by-five. Good. Check the DB logs. Red. Oh lordy, red.
This is when I took a step back and called Matt. Why? Because Matt is normally the person in at 0600, and I was covering for him because he felt like having a bit of a break. That's fine. Except for the fact that I know jack shit about ERP1 and exactly which blinky lights are supposed to go how blinky-blinky in what bleeping order. And then when Matt goes 'Oh. Wow. Fuck that.' and calls MP - she who built the damned thing. So now, under direction from her, we wave the correct wands in the correct sequence to realign some paralellogram responsible for intersecting angles in the contingent of space time. Or something. I really have no fucking clue. Doesn't matter - everything is running again by 0745. Okay. Right. Bit longer than I would have liked.
I'm going to have to make some time to go over the more delicate bits involving projects I want to do. I need to record them better. The notebook is nearing capacity, and I realise I don't actually have digital copies of most of that anywhere. Time to dust off ol' OmniGraffle and have a peek.
Oh! Tiger! Tiger's out today. I will write about it in the very near future. I'm not sure when to expect my copy, but I've resolved to write something new each day. Either way, you're stuck with me.***
Ah, but work awaits. I have things to do...
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead.
In peace, there's nothing so becomes a man,
As still modesty and humility
* Seriously, my workspace looks like Circuit City would if it took a good shelling from a well-supplied mortar position. There's computers stacked left and right, bits of computers scattered all about, and a whole mess of projects up in the air. Literally. The walls are lined with the souls and corpses of a thousand ideas. That ends today - it's time to step back, clean out this corner of my life, starting with these four walls.
** Things I never, ever want to hear Marilee say: "Yeah, I'm not sure what is wrong, exactly. I don't think I've ever had this particular error message ever before." o.o
*** For at least one person, this may not be a bad thing. :)
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